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Performance Evaluation: Enhancing Nutrition, Stepping Up Resilience and Enterprise (ENSURE) Development Food Assistance Program in Zimbabwe

Year Published:
Resource Type:
Evaluations and Research | Narrated Presentations


Funded by USAID's Office of Food for Peace (FFP), the five-year Enhancing Nutrition, Stepping Up Resilience and Enterprise (ENSURE) project was designed to improve the nutrition of women of reproductive age and children under the age of five, increase and improve agricultural production and marketing, and increase communities’ resilience and response to disasters and shocks in Zimbabwe.

Final Performance Evaluation

The purpose of this final evaluation is to measure the performance and development outcomes of ENSURE. It is designed as the second step in a two‐part mixed methods evaluation, following the baseline at the beginning of the program. The primary audience of this report is the awardee, World Vision, and its partners. Findings from the final evaluation will be used to inform and shape future food security projects.

Final Performance Evaluation Brief

This brief summarizes the results of the final evaluation conducted by TANGO International.

Final Performance Evaluation Presentation

IMPEL presented the final performance evaluation for ENSURE where participants heard about findings and were given an opportunity to ask questions.