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SCALE Creative Green Adaptation Award Winning Approaches

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Technical Guidance
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As climate change looms, humanitarians and development practitioners are finding ways to adjust how they deliver critical aid and programming. Under their Creative Green Adaptation Award, the USAID/Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA)-funded SCALE Award sought examples of creative program adaptations that address environmental and climate change challenges in the sectors of agriculture, natural resource management (NRM), and livelihoods. Submissions came from across the food security implementing community and included a range of donor-funded programs and partner initiatives in both emergency and development contexts. The award was comprised of four categories (People’s Choice, Donor’s Choice, Technical Excellence in an Emergency Setting, Technical Excellence in a Development Setting), the winners of which are outlined in this technical brief. These initiatives demonstrate climate adaptability in action and provide valuable lessons for other implementing partners. Read on to learn more about these adaptations and join us in applauding their innovation and climatic impact.

See the 2020 winning approach here.